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Red for Ed Wednesdays Return

(August 21, 2019) BROOKSVILLE, FL -- Hernando Classroom Teachers' Association is calling for all public education advocates to recommit to the Wear Red for Ed campaign through the 2019-2020 school year. Red for Ed is both a statewide and national effort to draw much needed attention to the funding crisis which is impacting classrooms across the country. Wearing red on Wednesdays throughout the year is a show of solidarity and a visible reminder of the ongoing struggle to appropriately fund public education.

In designating Wednesdays as our Wear Red for Ed day each

(August 23, 2019)
FEA calls for $22 billion, multi-year investment in schools
TALLAHASSEE — After 20 years of neglect and bad policy, the Florida Education Association (FEA) is calling for a "Decade of Progress" for Florida’s public schools. This means a multi-year commitment of $22 billion for our public school students.
“We are in an education crisis in this state,” said FEA President Fedrick Ingram. “Our children are paying the price for more than two decades of underfunding and poor policy decisions. We have a severe teacher shortage, and about 300,000 students started school this year

(July 30, 2019) HCTA Executive Board members joined Hernando County Schools in welcoming nearly 100 new educators to the county during the district's annual New Teacher Orientation. Day one of the three day induction allowed our professional association to greet incoming teachers, provide lunch, and share the benefits of membership in our local, state and national organizations. A majority of attending new hires chose to invest in their profession through membership! Together, we make a difference! HCTA is excited to be growing with these professionals.



Elected representatives of HCTA attended the National Education Association's Representative Assembly (RA) in Houston, TX, July 3rd-7th. These dedicated association members, along with thousands of education colleagues from across the nation, vetted positions on current education issues and tackled 160 new business items over the course of five days. The RA serves at the primary legislative and policy-making body of the NEA. To learn more about the work of the NEA RA, visit the National Education Association's webpage.