With this election, important decisions will be made about whether our school board will continue to be a vital force in building up our community, where students feel safe and welcome and where the experience and voice of educators is valued─ or whether it’s a place where politics take priority in the decisions that impact our classrooms.
The HCTA Local Elections Endorsement Committee, comprised of rank-and-file members of HCTA representing a clear balance of political views, made every effort to weigh their recommendations on the values, interests, and expressed priorities of our members. Please take time to learn more about those who have been endorsed by HCTA. We need leaders who will work to bring all stakeholders together for the benefit of our students.
Also, please take steps now to secure your opportunity to vote in this election!
Your first step in being an engaged voter is to verify your voter registration status. Politicians have been making changes to our election laws, so it is important to verify your voter information now, so that you will not be denied your right to cast your vote for the primary election on Tuesday, Aug. 23.
It is easy – just go to https://hernandovotes.gov and make sure you are still listed as an active voter and that your address is listed correctly. While you are on the supervisor of elections website, you can also check on your Vote By Mail status, or sign up for a Vote By Mail ballot.
Then… get involved in our advocacy efforts.
Together, we can ensure that our schools have the resources and leadership to support our classrooms and the students in them. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/1qxe2tGiCtrxTrrj6