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10 Questions to ask about the Governor’s Teacher Salary Proposal

For the past several months, FEA, our locals and our members have been bombarding media and elected officials with information about Florida’s national ranking in average teacher salary and that nearly 50,000 Educational Staff Professionals earn a poverty wage.

Clearly at least ONE politician is paying attention.

Governor DeSantis is expected to release his proposal for increasing teacher pay sometime soon and news sources are reporting that his goal is to raise teacher salaries to $50,000 per year!

It may sound good to many


FundOurFuture Bus Tour is Coming to Hernando!

See you at a bus stop!

Starting Oct. 21, FEA officers and staff will roll out on a statewide, five-week bus tour for public education. We will be on a campaign for our students, public schools and YOU. Please plan to come out and meet us at a stop.

The idea is to focus attention on public schools and build community support well before January, when the Legislature will be making decisions that affect all of us. If we are going to win in the next session, we need to be seen and heard now. 

The stakes are very high. We are fighting for improved funding for public schools and for better pay for all school employees. We want an end to the over-testing of students and a halt to the expansion of voucher programs that divert public money to private schools. We demand that this state support the schools that educate 90 percent of our students, and that lawmakers show proper respect to the people who devote their lives to Florida’s children.

In coordination with local unions, the Fund Our Future bus tour will make about 50 stops at events and schools from Pensacola to the Florida Keys. The first stop will be on Oct. 21 in the Panhandle, and the tour comes to a close on Nov. 23 in Orlando. 

The Hernando stop is slated for the afternoon of November 1st! More details are coming. Be sure to save the date!


September 18, 2019 - FEA's second article in their series exposing how Florida policies are undermining student success focuses on the scam that is VAM. Since its introduction into teacher evaluation processes, educators across the nation have protested the use of this flawed measure to identify ineffective teachers and brand schools as 'failing'. Recently, the Florida Legislature paved the way for school districts to move teacher evaluation models away from their reliance on VAM as the measure of student performance, but unfortunately it remains an instrument of disruption for the state. 



August 26, 2019

Over the next few months this multi-part series will take a deep dive into the ways that Florida’s education policies have led to a full-scale crisis in the teaching profession.

Every student in Florida deserves to be in a classroom with a certified, highly-qualified, and dedicated teacher. Students deserve schools with full-time media specialists and schools that are staffed with more counselors and nurses than security guards. Florida’s students deserve the very best. Currently, Florida’s politicians are failing Florida’s future.  

Over the past two decades the Legislature and


Morgan & Morgan file suit over taxation of bonuses paid through the Best & Brightest program:

  • The law firm of Morgan & Morgan has filed suit against the Florida Department of Education regarding Best and Brightest teacher bonuses on behalf of a teacher who received the bonus for two years.
  • The lawsuit contends that, at the direction of the Florida Department of Education (FDOE), districts withheld the employer’s share of payroll taxes from Best and Brightest bonus checks, paying teachers smaller bonus amounts than specified by statute.
  • In the law firm’s example, a $6,000 award was reduced by $426
(August 23, 2019)
FEA calls for $22 billion, multi-year investment in schools
TALLAHASSEE — After 20 years of neglect and bad policy, the Florida Education Association (FEA) is calling for a "Decade of Progress" for Florida’s public schools. This means a multi-year commitment of $22 billion for our public school students.
“We are in an education crisis in this state,” said FEA President Fedrick Ingram. “Our children are paying the price for more than two decades of underfunding and poor policy decisions. We have a severe teacher shortage, and about 300,000 students started school this year

(July 30, 2019) HCTA Executive Board members joined Hernando County Schools in welcoming nearly 100 new educators to the county during the district's annual New Teacher Orientation. Day one of the three day induction allowed our professional association to greet incoming teachers, provide lunch, and share the benefits of membership in our local, state and national organizations. A majority of attending new hires chose to invest in their profession through membership! Together, we make a difference! HCTA is excited to be growing with these professionals.