ECONOMICS - Total Package includes Market Adjustment, Performance Pay, Fringe & Supplement Increases
$3,610,268.85 market adjustment (4.25%) increase for teachers
$ 548,643.30 fringe (increases to SS, Medicare, FRS, worker’s comp, etc)
$ 206,836.48 performance pay for eligible teachers
$ 45,000.00 increase to supplement schedule (3%)
$3,862,105.33 Total Increase in Instructional Payroll for 2019-2020 equates to 5.361%
PERFORMANCE PAY: As required by statute, any salary improvement must include performance pay tied to teacher evaluations. This year, as in the prior agreement, teachers rated ‘Effective’ will receive an additional $75 increase and those rated ‘Highly Effective’ will receive $100.
PLACEMENT SCHEDULE: The Instructional Placement Schedule will be advanced by 1.8-3.5% depending upon years of experience.
SUPPLEMENT SCHEDULE: Supplements listed in Appendix B(2) and Appendix C(6) will receive a 3% cost of living adjustment; additional supplemental positions have been created.
Health INSURANCE: The Board will maintain the monthly employer contribution of $550.72 per eligible employee. Employees will pay the increase in health insurance premiums beginning in January 2020. ALL EMPLOYEES ARE ENCOURAGED TO CAREFULLY EVALUATE THEIR INSURANCE OPTIONS AS ALTERNATIVE COVERAGE OPTIONS OUTSIDE OF DISTRICT BENEFITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS.
other considerations: The Board will cover all increases to required FRS contributions.
5.18- Scheduling Early Release Days – provides flexibility in scheduling early release days and protects the use of early release days for professional development.
9.13- Involuntary Transfers – ensures that voluntary transfers are utilized prior to involuntary transfer of staff.
6.70-Teacher Authority-provides that teachers who are required to deviate from established policies and procedures may respond with either a complaint or a grievance.
8.52-Guidance Summer Days-secures a minimum of 20 summer work days per high school for certified school counselors.
5.13-Elementary Planning Time – establishes the minimum number of designated planning minutes during the day for elementary teachers at 40 minutes beginning with the 2020-2021 school year; as with all guaranteed planning minutes, where practicable for student scheduling needs, planning time will be provided during the student contact day.
MOU –Instructional Evaluation Manual – this agreement encompasses minor modifications to the evaluation manual template; includes a minor rubric change to the non-classroom template language.
MOU – Best & Brightest Bonuses – This year, the legislature expanded the Best & Brightest bonus program to include THREE types of bonuses: Recruitment, Retention & Recognition. While the application and distribution of Recruitment and Retention bonuses are defined by the state, the Recognition component is bargainable. The portion of categorical funds which remains after distribution of the Recruitment and Retention bonuses has been negotiated to ensure the bonus dollars will be payable to the most teachers possible. The actual payout amount of these bonuses has yet to be determined. These are one-time payments (expected to be disbursed at the end of the year) and will not be included in calculations for Florida Retirement System benefits.
To qualify for the Recruitment bonus, teachers must be hired by December 6, 2019; they must be teaching in one of the qualifying areas and meet the definition of ‘content expert’ as provided by FLDOE; and they must submit a Recruitment Award Application.
Retention bonuses will be disbursed according to statutory requirements.
Recognition bonuses will be paid in equal distributions to teachers who received Effective or Highly Effective ratings on the 2018-19 HCSD evaluation, OR who (if a 2018-19 HCSD evaluation is not available) receive an observed practices score of 42 or higher on the 2019-20 evaluation.
MOU –PreK Recognition Bonus Payment– this agreement ensures that PreK teachers are not excluded from bonuses; funds will be provided from non-recurring sources.
Contract Clean Up
The contract has been edited for typos, formatting errors, and order/placement concerns; please review document for these non-substantive changes.